Leading the Public Health Response

Three months after starting at the state health department I was abruptly thrust into the pandemic response. This is a snapshot of my work throughout the pandemic.

Social media management | Graphic design | Content strategy and creation | Content management | Website and UX design

Social media management


Introduced the official hashtag

As soon as the governor declared a state of emergency in Colorado I established the official hashtag to help Coloradans and visitors easily find the source of truth.

Provided consistent, accurate and timely updates

I kept our audiences well-informed with consistent, frequent (up to 10 posts per day), timely, life-saving updates and utilized a variety of mediums including press releases, blogs, infographics, data visualizations and video.

Promoted CDPHE leadership

A key strategy in CDC’s pandemic playbook is to designate a trusted, credible, non-politician spokesperson. Therefore, I pushed for State Epidemiologist Dr. Rachel Herlihy to get more time on camera, as politicians were dominating the response and creating political divides.

Appealed to Coloradans

Understanding Colorado’s culture played a big part in developing winning content. Using the length of skis as a visual reference for six feet of social distancing was the most Coloradan thing on Twitter. In fact, it was very common to see business owners print these and display them in their storefronts, food trucks, etc.
Design credit: Joe Schlue.

Targeted messaging

Using available research, I targeted certain populations (e.g., the moveable middle, high-risk adults, Spanish speakers) through social media ads, Google Ads, geotargeting on NextDoor, hashtags and Facebook Groups.



December 1, 2020 through October 1, 2021

New followers

December 1, 2020 through October 1, 2021


December 1, 2020 through October 1, 2021

New followers (% change)

December 1, 2020 through October 1, 2021

Wrote a weekly blog

With so many updates throughout the pandemic, it was challenging to stay on top of the latest news. To meet this need I published a weekly blog targeting local public health departments and healthcare organizations.

Implemented environmental cues

My idea was simple: to create visual cues that businesses could print and display in storefronts. These signs were displayed just about everywhere, including gyms, restaurants, food trucks and even Vice News.
Design credit: Joe Schlue

Created toolkits and fact sheets

As part of my evergreen strategy to promote vaccines, I developed shareable content that local public health agencies (or anyone) could use on their social media channels.
Design credit: Joana Segura

Launched Colorado’s COVID-19 website

After quickly realizing the limitations of CDPHE’s existing website I developed Colorado’s official COVID-19 website. I redesigned the website a few times to improve navigation, design and accessibility. The website logged over 100 million pageviews among 16 million user devices.

UX design | Front-end design | Content management | SEO | Analytics


Version 1.0

Version 2.0

Version 3.0

Version 4.0

 Campaign messaging

To adapt to the fast-evolving and complex situation I helped develop themes throughout each phase of the pandemic ––
from the importance of staying home to getting vaccinated.